Registration of biocidal products has become much more stringent – trust our team of experts to ensure smooth registration of your product
With over a decade of experience in registration of biocidal substances and a dedicated biocides expert group, we can assist you with scientific and regulatory support for biocidal active substances and products (disinfectants, preservatives, pest control and other biocidal products). In addition, we can provide you with strategies – tailored to your product portfolio – to meet the new regulatory challenges.
Regulatory Aspects
In September 2013, the new Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR, Regulation (EU) 528/2012) came into force. This regulation requires a more stringent analysis of biocides than previously.
Our experts are fully competent in the new regulation and their expertise will ensure that you meet the new regulatory requirements. In addition to the preparation of dossiers for biocidal active substances and products, we constantly monitor the developments of the regulatory affairs assuring an exhaustive fulfilment of your obligations as a producer. In borderline cases our strong experience with active substances and related products from various categories enables us to advise you which regulatory framework is applicable and how regulatory compliance can be achieved.
GAB Consulting is part of the SynTech Research Group. For more information visit