Feed Additives
Feed Additive, Biocide or Veterinary Drug? We will find the right category to ensure product registration
We offer support for the authorization of chemicals or microbials as feed additives according to European regulations. We provide you with effective and timely solutions related to the characterization, efficacy and safety aspects of feed additives. All the regulatory aspects related to your feed additive are in safe hands with us, making sure that your products can be placed on the market.
Regulatory Aspects
We will prepare your applications for the authorization of additives for use in animal nutrition in accordance with Regulation (EC) No. 1831/2003, Regulation (EC) No. 429/2008 and No. 885/2009 or represent your company in consortia for joint applications.
Our experts will help you prove the efficacy and safety of your product for the target species, the user, the consumer and the environment. This covers communication with the European Commission, the EU Reference Laboratory and the European Food Safety Authority including submission of Administrative Documents (Annex A–E) and the Technical Dossier (Sections I-V).
GAB Consulting is part of the SynTech Research Group. For more information visit www.syntechresearch.com